Driving App

Download apps about Driving App for Android:
Android Auto app icon
Android Auto
Take advantage of your Android phone's functionality from your car's dashboard.
Android Auto rating
Uber Driver app icon
Uber Driver
Set up an Uber driver account and get notified about driving opportunities.
Uber Driver rating
TomTom GPS Navigation Traffic app icon
TomTom GPS Navigation Traffic
Find the best way to get to your destination by car.
TomTom GPS Navigation Traffic rating
AutoMate - Car Dashboard app icon
AutoMate - Car Dashboard
Access some of your phone's features while you're driving.
AutoMate - Car Dashboard rating
Car dashdroid-Car infotainment app icon
Car dashdroid-Car infotainment
Perform a wide variety of actions on your Android device while you're driving.
Car dashdroid-Car infotainment rating

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SEAT DriveMii App
Use your phone to control various devices in your SEAT Mii vehicle.
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... View all details of your driving data, including travel times, mileage ...
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Keep all your membership cards stored digitally.
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... documents like a driving license or student card in the app. Create your ...
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Provides information and some controls for Tesla electric vehicles.
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This app features the possibilities to ... cool the car remotely before driving, to remotely lock or ...