Cloud Service

Download apps about Cloud Service for Android:
Microsoft OneDrive app icon
Microsoft OneDrive
Save space or share files with other people by uploading them to the cloud.
Microsoft OneDrive rating
Cloud Storage app icon
Cloud Storage
Store, access, and view your files in the cloud.
Cloud Storage rating
Unified Cloud Storage app icon
Unified Cloud Storage
Access and manage your data stored in different cloud storage solutions.
Unified Cloud Storage rating

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Google Drive app icon
Google Drive
Back up and sync your files to cloud storage.
Google Drive rating
Google Drive is Google's cloud storage service which enables you to have ...
Microsoft Azure app icon
Microsoft Azure
Manage your applications and services on your Android phone.
Microsoft Azure rating
... connected to the MS Azure cloud service. Receive notifications and alerts if ...
Gallery app icon
Automatically organizes the photos on the device and creates collages.
Gallery rating
... stores photo on its own cloud service and integrates with Google Photos ...
XFINITY Stream app icon
It lets you watch live TV streams from the XFINITY service.
XFINITY Stream rating
... provided. The customers of X1 Cloud DVRs can save, stream and ...
LiquidSky PC Cloud Gaming app icon
LiquidSky PC Cloud Gaming
Play PC games on Android devices.
LiquidSky PC Cloud Gaming rating
... an account on the LiquidSky service and a stable WiFi high-speed ...
App Backup & Share Pro app icon
App Backup & Share Pro
View a list of all applications installed on your phone or tablet.
App Backup & Share Pro rating
... to a USB drive or any cloud service, including Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive ...
iSMS2droid app icon
Transfer all the iMessages and texts from your iPhone to your Android device.
iSMS2droid rating
... connection or through the Dropbox cloud storage service. It also includes the ...